Basics to hiking

If you are thinking about making hiking a part of your regular routine, or just getting started, there are some basic aspects that you should always keep in mind.

1. Stay hydrated!

It’s important that you hydrate well before you go out on a hike, considering hiking can be a challenging workout for most people. Some hikes are not as strenuous as others, but staying hydrated is always important. I suggest drinking a couple bottles of water before you go hiking, as well as bringing a few with you on your hike. I have a camelback backpack, which is a backpack with a drinking nozzle attached to it. You don’t have to get that fancy, but those are also an option!

2. Wear good shoes!

There are shoes you can buy that are designated for hiking, but sometimes they can be a little pricey. You don’t have to have legitimate hiking shoes, but they are always an option. If you don’t have any interest in buying hiking shoes, I suggest you at least wear shoes that are comfortable and grip well to the ground, because you never know what kind of terrain you’re going to be hiking through.

3. Pack snacks!

Whether you’re going for a shorter hike or making a day of it, packing snacks is always a good idea in case you start to feel hungry. My personal favorite snacks to bring on hikes are apples, because they’re not messy and they’re small; I also enjoy bringing clif bars on hikes, because they are filling and small to carry.

4. Bring a backpack!

If you don’t have any issues with back pain or anything like that, bringing a backpack is something that I always recommend. When I’m hiking, I don’t want to be stuck carrying anything in my hands because I may need my hands to push myself up onto a rock, or use my hands to hold on to something for balance. With a backpack, handy, I have my water, snacks, and my phone stored away and I’m hands free.

5. Bring a light rain coat!

In my experience, it’s better to be prepared that to not be prepared. Bringing a light rain coat in case of sudden changes in weather is always a good idea, so that the sudden change doesn’t ruin your day of hiking!

These are just some a few basics that I can think of off the top of my head. If any others reading have any other basics you want to mention, feel free to drop a comment!


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