Recommended Products

Products I recommend to take with you when you are hiking!

This is just an exhaustive list, these are not items you should take all at once. My goal is to make readers aware of the things that you may need at some point or another when you are hiking!

Hiking Boots

I have mentioned before, hiking boots are a good item to have with you when you are hiking. Whether you are on a short hike or a strenuous hike, hiking boots are great to help you get through them. They are also great to have in un-ideal weather conditions, such as snow or rain. When I was hiking in the snow in the Rocky Mountains, I really wished I would have had my hiking boots with me!


Sunscreen is super important when you are hiking, especially in the summer. Even on winter days and days that are overcast, it is important to keep this with you. Its easy to get burned when you are out in the sun all day hiking, so I always keep this with me to assure that I wont get sunburnt.

Clif Bars

Clif bars are my go to snack when I am hiking. A Clif bar is basically a meal replacement bar, so it keeps your hunger satisfied while you are hiking. There are quite a few different flavors to choose from, such as chocolate chip cookie and fudge brownie. You really cant go wrong with these, considering they are small and will fit in your backpack with no problem, and they are delicious!


I have mentioned before the importance of being prepared when you are out hiking. With that being said, you should always have an umbrella on you just in case of sudden weather changes. While I really don’t mind hiking in the rain, it can be a nuisance for a lot of people, so keeping this on you can save the day when you are out on a hike and there is a sudden downpour!

Water bottle

Staying hydrated is key when you are out hiking, so it is important to always bring a water bottle! As I have previously recommended, I like to take my Camelbak backpack, which stores water and allows me to drink through it with a nozzle. But, you do not have to be that fancy when you go on a hike so a simple water bottle will suffice. Going on a hike without a source of fluid is miserable so don’t forget to bring one!


Bringing a flashlight goes along with the whole “always be prepared” notion. A flashlight is necessary when you are hiking into the later hours of the day and you know you wont be back to your car until it gets dark. Having a flashlight when you are hiking in the dark is necessary because the woods offer no source of light. Given that most people will have their phones on them and can use the flash light that is built in, its important to have an extra flashlight just in case your phone happens to die throughout the day.


A backpack is probably the most important thing you will need for hiking. You will want a comfortable backpack that is big enough to hold everything you want to bring with you on your hike. I always try to pack as light as possible, but sometimes there will be a lot of things that you have to bring with you which is where the backpack comes in handy. I use it to carry my water, snacks, hat, sunglasses, map, and an extra change of clothes. You can bring whatever you please, but always remember to try to pack as light as possible! There is only so much you will need on a hike.

First aid kit

Sometimes when you are out on a hike, unexpected things happen which is why it is important to keep a first aid kit with you. I know that I have personally needed a first aid kit the majority of the times I’ve gone hiking. This has happened because I like to climb on things I shouldn’t climb on and I end up hurting myself sometimes. So to give yourself some peace of mind if the unexpected happens, definitely bring a first aid kit. You will want to when you are out in the woods away from most civilization.

Bug Spray or citronella bracelets

When I am out hiking, there is nothing I dislike more than being bothered by bugs. That is why you should always keep bug spray handy with you to assure that you will not be bothered on your hike. I personally am not a big fan of the spray, so I like to keep citronella bracelets on me for when I am hiking. The citronella bracelet is a bracelet that you can buy from Target or Walmart for only a dollar or two, and these bracelets last for a couple days. They do a great job of keeping bugs away without having to use spray, and you cannot even tell they are on your wrist. I recommend the bracelet over spray any day because I do not like the strong smell of bug spray. But, regardless of what you use, using some type of product that will keep bugs away is a must!

A Hat

I recommend taking a hat with you when you are hiking because ticks can be a big problem, especially if you are hiking in very wooded areas. The last thing you want is to come home after a great day of hiking to find out you have a tick somewhere on you! Keeping a hat on you at all times can help prevent you from getting ticks, and will make your day of hiking more enjoyable.

There are a lot of other products I could recommend for you to take on your hike, but for now this should be a basic list to ensure you are prepared when you want to hike. I’m sure you all know, you can never be too prepared!


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